Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Paparazzi dog celebrities because they get paid well.

David Griffin calls Nick Farrell a "paparazzi."  Claims Farrell is being paid by the US Government to stalk him.  Compares himself to Aleister Crowley.  Robert Word, posting on behalf of Griffin, somehow claims that Griffin has been victimized since 1994.  As a bonus, Griffin tells a student to burn all of his alchemy books:

From: https://m.facebook.com/groups/1413491815594782?view=permalink&id=1539921049618524&p=60&refid=18

"This is nothing new and no surprise. Paparazzi dog celebrities because they get paid well. They are like dogs barking at my Jaguar Vanden Plas limousine as I drive by.
Nick Farrell is a tabloid journalist by profession and is very good at what he does. I'm not bothered by paparazzi because I understand the accidental role they play. Thanks to the paparazzi, I have beaten Aliester Crowley's record as the most attacked Magician in occult history. But in all fairness to Crowley, he only had print tabloids to attack him. I have entire websites, Facebook groups, and blogs!" - David Griffin

"Nick Farrell sees his main mission in life to attack David Griffin and affiliates. This has been going on big time since January of 1994." -Robert Word

"Every time Mr. Farrell allows posts on his group attacking me or advertising attack blogs, I get a flood of Facebook messages from people leaving his group in protest. People on Facebook seem genuinely fed up with all of the negativity. The only reason that makes sense for Farrell's continuing to alienate the Facebook community like this is that he must be getting paid to do it. What else makes sense? This kind of stuff reminds me of the article I linked to the other day about paid trolls manipulating spiritual communities. http://humansarefree.com/2013/09/federal-government-hires-internet-trolls.html" - David Griffin

"Any books you own on alchemy you should burn. They are all rubbish." - David Griffin

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