Wednesday, January 7, 2015

GD Founder or SRIA Traitor?

In this post to his Facebook group, Griffin rants about an "SRIA conspiracy" to control the Golden Dawn.  Suggests he is the only one "standing in the way" of the conspiracy.  Accuses GD Founder Wynn Westcott of being a "traitor" to the G:.D:.  Suggests GD members are "secret necromancers.":


"By the way, since the proponents of this argument are so obsessed with that they consider to be a "corpse," are they really GD Magicians or does this make them secret Necromancers?" - David Griffin

"In any case, it is obvious SRIA clearly never give up trying to control the Golden Dawn, which they never will be able to do because our order owns the GD trademark in all of Europe including in Britain. By the way, at least in our order the Golden Dawn is most definitely NOT a cadaver. In our order, the Golden Dawn still has a living and highly dynamic egregore." - David Griffin

"Expect also more anonymous blog articles attacking and ridiculing me as well, since I remain in the way of their machinations. These folks, if nothing else, are predictable." - David Griffin

"Anyone interested in knowing just how far back SRIA efforts to coopt and control the Golden Dawn really go, should read my article linked below, entitled:
Did Wynn Wescott try to steal the Golden Dawn's Rosucrucian Lineage for the S.R.I.A.?
The story involves everything from clandesting intrigue to forged documents!
" - David Griffin

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