Sunday, March 8, 2015

Repeated violations of the non-disparagement clause

David Griffin sends a private legal threat to Aaron Leitch.  The threat was over something that doesn't directly name Griffin or his group.


From: David Griffin  5/2014

You wrote:

"Aaron Leitch: Patrick Pfeiffer - Your information is incorrect. There are not "a lot of organizations" who claim they are the "real Golden Dawn" dating back to Mathers. There is currently a grand total of ONE group that makes that claim. It is the same group that is proclaiming they are under attack from ALL of the other groups (and Llewellyn, and the SRIA, and AMORC, and and and and...). And it is the same group that spends all of its time attacking and spreading lies about all of the other groups. You are clearly getting your info FROM that group - so you seriously need to check your sources."

All of these disparaging remarks have been .pdfd and sent to our attorney. Your president has also been informed of your repeated violations of the non-disparagement clause of the settlement agreement. As a board member and agent of the other party, you are bound by this and the court has already admonished your org once against using such back doors to disparage our order.

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