Friday, January 9, 2015

Rebuttal to Lewellyn author, Raven Grimassi's WITCH WAR against the Pagan & Golden Dawn Communities

Griffin claims Raven Grimassi is an imposter and of running a "witch war".  Claims that he somehow "granted legitimacy" to Grimassi's tradition.  Accuses Grimassi of sending his students to attack him in forums.  Refers to Grimassi as a traitor.  Further attacks Llewellyn; claims they are involved in a deep conspiracy to attack him. 


"We had our doubts about Raven Grimassi from the beginning... Our doubts about Mr. Grimassi were multiplied since certain of these families consider Mr. Grimassi as an impostor, a Neo-Pagan reconstructionist pretending to represent an "Italian Witchcraft" tradition that, as an American by birth instead of an initiate in Italy, he does not fully know or understand." - David Griffin

"Despite these misgivings, we nonetheless granted recognition and our family's stamp of legitimacy to Mr. Grimassi's "Stregheria" tradition." - David Griffin

"We have therefore been particularly dismayed when we caught Raven Grimassi on numerous occasions attacking us behind our backs to other Neo-Pagan groups, including sending his students to attack us on various Yahoo witchcraft fora." - David Griffin

" In short, Raven Grimassi has been behaving like a double-dealing Cardassian traitor." - David Griffin

"This is certainly not the first time that esoteric groups I work with have been attacked by Lewellyn authors. Although I  Gramassi's Witch War is likely not being orchestrated by Lewellyn, it is extremely odd that so many of the defamation attacks I have experienced over the decades have come from Lewellyn authors, their agents, and/or students. This has happenned over and over in situations where, in my opinion, Lewellyn was trying to promote watered down versions of deep occult truths - as is presently the case with Raven Grimassi's "Stregheria." - David Griffin

"I am also writing a formal protest protesting to Lewellyn, as Grimassi's Witch War reflects very badly on Lewellyn's image when one of their Neo-Pagan authors tries to start a Witch War like this in both the Pagan and Golden Dawn communities." - David Griffin

"This is not ths first time that we have been attacked by initiates of American Stregheria groups on the internet, including Mr. Grimassi's." - David Griffin

"It is clear from Mr. Grimassi's post above, as well as discussion that followed it on Yahoo, that the Witch War defamation attacks on our traditions are continuing nonetheless." - David Griffin

"Raven Grimassi should recall that Witch War harms the entire Pagan community and thus is extremely frowned upon by everyone. If Grimassi continues to attack other Pagan traditions like this, he will eventually find himself shunned by the entire community. Lewellyn should likewise also consider the folly of permitting one of their authors to engage in behavior that so grievously harms the Pagan community or Lewellyn's reputation may suffer seriously as well." - David Griffin

"Raven Grimassi should recall that although he is Italo-American, he is NOT Italian. In fact, Raven Grimassi does not even speak the language. How then can he possibly expect to fully grasp the subtleties of the tradition he pretends to represent? The time has come for Raven Grimassi to abandon his petty Witch War, and to stop making a fool of himself - not only in the eyes of the true remaining family traditions in Italy - but even in the eyes of the Pagan and Golden Dawn communities as well. " - David Griffin

"Let them take their dirty little flame war somewhere else!" - David Griffin

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