Monday, January 5, 2015

Racist SRIA and their McGD Puppets' Witch War on the Alpha Omega

In a very lengthy rant, Griffin attacks just about everyone. Mostly centered around a vast SRIA conspiracy to undermine him and his order - now stated to date back to 1888. Note that Tony Fuller is declared an "SRIA agent".  Many many accusations here - only a portion of them are quoted:

(Note: Forum threads are lengthy. This document will focus upon - and link to - the lead post in each thread, as posted by David Griffin. Further insults and accusations can be found by reading through the entire thread.)

"What I find most interesting in your post is the quote from SRIA agent T[ony]F[uller], who confirms that even the publication of these tablets are just another SRIA attempt to manipulate the Golden Dawn community." - David Griffin

"This is only the latest attempt by SRIA to manipulate and stir strife in the Golden Dawn community. This nonsensense has been going on non-stop now for 20 years. In fact, the SRIA has tried to control the Golden Dawn ever since the founding of Isis Urania Temple No. 3 in 1888. (I cover this entire history in the above linked article as well.)" - David Griffin

"To begin with as Imperator of the AO, I am Pagan, and the bigoted "Trinitarian Christians only" SRIA can tolerate neither Jews, Pagans nor Muslims in their midst. Moreover, we in the AO admit and advance initiates in the Alpha Omega of both sexes on an equal basis. Thirdly, we do not discriminate due to religion, race, or sexual or political orientation. This, the anti-semitic SRIA hates with a passion." - David Griffin

"Finally, the Alpha Omega foiled SRIA's secret grand design of many years, to sieze control the Golden Dawn using the Golden Dawn trademark, held and licensed by the Supreme Maga of SRIA in America." - David Griffin

"It is no secret that SRIA hates the AO and its dark hand is trying to control the GD using McGD reconstructionists as their marionettes. This is obvious when you look at who in the GD community belongs also to SRIA, which reads like a who's who of McGoldenDawn reconstructionists." - David Griffin

"This whole hubub about Mathers vs. Wescott and who was the real genius behind the Golden Dawn also arises from the SRIA Witch Hunt trying to destroy the Alpha Omega." - David Griffin

"This is part and parcel of the SRIA/McGoldenDawn Witch Hunt against the AO." - David Griffin

"By the way, racist R.A. Gilbert, a high ranking SRIA member of Metropolitan College, has trafficked in Golden Dawn documents like these for decades, on numerous occasions providing documents later profaned through publication by the Supreme Maga of SRIA (America), in order to promote one faction against the AO in the GD community." - David Griffin

"The real reason is that McGD is desperate because all the GD magick they have is already published at this point. They are therefore desperately trying to create the illusion they have more GD material than they really do, by publishing anything at all SRIA still has laying around collecting dust." - David Griffin

"The real reason that SRIA is trying to sell this cheap illusion of "The Great and Might Maga of OZ" (ignore that woman behind the curtain), is that they are DESPERATE." - David Griffin

"For Centuries the SRIA has tried to steal the Golden Dawn." - David Griffin

"The SRIA and their McGD puppets can not possibly compete with the true Third Order because they do not have any magic or other teachings for anything above the (5=6), Adeptus Minor level." - David Griffin

"Since this lie is not working for them, the SRIA and their McGD puppets in recent weeks have stepped up their Witch Hunt of defamation against the AO, trying desperately to destroy our order." - David Griffin

"To them I say:"SRIA and McGD. You will ultimately fail in your quest to control the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn does not belong to you. It never has belonged to you." - David Griffin

"How could SRIA possibly be the Third Order, when they discriminate against Jews and the Golden Dawn is permeated through and through with Jewish Qabalah?" - David Griffin

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